A new version of MaxLength is out now, with a more accurate character count for lines and spaces, a more consistent user interface and added flexibility for link fields.
Folks often ask us, “What are the things that can make website redesign and rebuild projects more expensive?” The quick answer: things that take up a lot of time.
Last year, we at DevCollaborative became maintainers of the Maxlength Drupal module. Numerous usability tests, 32 commits and 35 contributors later we’ve reached a stable release for the project.
The latest version of Maxlength fixes a user permission, solves an obscure blinking cursor situation and more. Plus an improved UI based on user feedback.
Drupal 7’s End of Life has been extended again to at least 2023. We’re here to tell what this means, and why it’s still important to plan to rebuild your site if you’re still in Drupal 7.
I stopped complaining about overly-complex Drupal 8 starter themes and, together with the DevCollab team, made our own ready-to-customize sub-theme of Classy. Our Drupal 8 starter theme is called LightShip, and we shared it on Drupal.org.